Reiki Master Training
Available on application or after completing Reiki Levels 1 & 2 and having practiced Reiki for some months.
I teach Reiki Master Level in 8 days of training. These days are usually one day a week for 8 weeks, again, I offer times and dates to suit.
Reiki is not just a hands on healing method, it also asks the student to start to look into the ways that they think, and care for not only their body, but how they care for others as well.
Dr Usui handed down a set of guidelines that when lived by, opened the space for healing. He called these the Reiki Principles. Principles that help the psyche to focus, and to work with, attitudes and emotions. Over the years, and with more scientific study the principles continue to evolve.
In essence the principles ask us to be kind to ourselves and others. To let go of worry, and anger and to live life from a grateful heart. Is that a tall order? Absolutely, of course, easier said than done really - as Dr Usui says... don't worry though - Reiki is a journey, a practice.
If we take little steps each day, to be a little kinder, to think of a few things to be grateful for, then soon, we find ourselves feeling better and better inside. When things change inside us, we start to notice the changes in our world. From that place of inner peace, we can send out ripples of peace and harmony into our world.